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< 31C3

Tag #1 - 27. Dezember

Zeit Saal 1 Saal 2 Saal G Saal 6
11:00 31C3 Opening Event - erdgeist, Geraldine de Bastion

- erdgeist, Geraldine de Bastion

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11:30 31C3 Keynote - alecempire

- alecempire

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12:45 „Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“ - Martin Haase/maha

- Martin Haase/maha

Tell no-one - James Bamford

- James Bamford

3D Casting Aluminum - Julia Longtin

- Julia Longtin

Personal Tracking Devices and Online Identity - Silvia, skytools

- Silvia, skytools

14:00 SCADA StrangeLove: Too Smart Grid in da Cloud - Sergey Gordeychik, Aleksandr Timorin

- Sergey Gordeychik, Aleksandr Timorin

Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken - Stefan Pelzer, Philipp Ruch

- Stefan Pelzer, Philipp Ruch

Reproducible Builds - Mike Perry

- Mike Perry

Let’s build our own personalized open textile production line - Hong Phuc Dang

- Hong Phuc Dang

16:00 Practical EMV PIN interception and fraud detection - Andrea Barisani

- Andrea Barisani

Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations - Sebastian Schinzel

- Sebastian Schinzel

osmo-gmr: What's new? - tnt

- tnt

How I Learned to Stop Reinventing and Love the Wheels - Andreas Bihlmaier

- Andreas Bihlmaier

17:15 SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate. - Tobias Engel

- Tobias Engel

Glitching For n00bs - exide

- exide

Mein Bot, der Kombattant - josch, arche3000

- josch, arche3000

The eXperimental Robot Project - Norbert Braun, darthrake

- Norbert Braun, darthrake

18:30 Mobile self-defense - Karsten Nohl

- Karsten Nohl

Rocket science – how hard can it be? - David Madlener

- David Madlener

10 Jahre OpenStreetMap - Thomas Skowron

- Thomas Skowron

Jugend hackt - fotografiona, Maria Reimer

- fotografiona, Maria Reimer

20:30 The Matter of Heartbleed - Zakir Durumeric

- Zakir Durumeric

Space Hacker - Karsten Becker, Robert

- Karsten Becker, Robert

Code Pointer Integrity - gannimo

- gannimo

Towards General Purpose Reconfigurable Computing on Novena - stars, Andy Isaacson

- stars, Andy Isaacson

21:00 Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider’s perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed - Nick Sullivan

- Nick Sullivan

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21:45 ECCHacks - djb, Tanja Lange

- djb, Tanja Lange

Do you care about x86 babushka processors? - Rudolf Marek

- Rudolf Marek

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014 - Caspar Bowden

- Caspar Bowden

(In)Security of Mobile Banking - ericfiliol, Paul Irolla

- ericfiliol, Paul Irolla

23:00 Crypto Tales from the Trenches - Nadia Heninger, Julia Angwin, Laura Poitras

- Nadia Heninger, Julia Angwin, Laura Poitras

A Tale of Commercial Malware and a Spy Operation - tw, gadi

- tw, gadi

Security Analysis of a Full-Body X-Ray Scanner - Eric Wustrow

- Eric Wustrow

SS7map : mapping vulnerability of the international mobile roaming infrastructure - Laurent Ghigonis

- Laurent Ghigonis

00:00 Citizenfour - Laura Poitras

- Laura Poitras

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Tag #2 - 28. Dezember

Zeit Saal 1 Saal 2 Saal G Saal 6
11:30 Switches Get Stitches - Eireann Leverett

- Eireann Leverett

Die Stationen von NSA & Co in Österreich - Erich Moechel

- Erich Moechel

Why is GPG "damn near unusable"? - Arne Padmos

- Arne Padmos

Uncaging Microchips - Peter Laackmann, Marcus Janke

- Peter Laackmann, Marcus Janke

12:45 Beyond PNR: Exploring airline systems - saper

- saper

Trustworthy secure modular operating system engineering - hannes, David Kaloper

- hannes, David Kaloper

Lightning Talks Day 2 - gedsic

- gedsic

Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein - Elektra, Andrea Behrendt - read & delete

- Elektra, Andrea Behrendt - read & delete

14:00 Security Analysis of Estonia's Internet Voting System - J. Alex Halderman

- J. Alex Halderman

Cyber Necromancy - Joseph Tartaro, Matthew Halchyshak

- Joseph Tartaro, Matthew Halchyshak

Programming with dependent types in Idris - raichoo

- raichoo

16:00 Safer playing with lasers - Sarah

- Sarah

Das Transparenzportal Hamburg - Lothar Hotz

- Lothar Hotz

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod. - Felix Mütze

- Felix Mütze

The automobile as massive data gathering source and the consequences for individual privacy - Volkmar

- Volkmar

17:30 Information Control and Strategic Violence - Anita Gohdes

- Anita Gohdes

Forging the USB armory - Andrea Barisani

- Andrea Barisani

Hacking Ethics in Education - Jeroen van der Ham

- Jeroen van der Ham

Mr Beam goes Kickstarter - Teja

- Teja

18:15 Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt - ruedi

- ruedi

Privacy and Consumer Markets - Reuben Binns

- Reuben Binns

Global Civil Society Under Attack - Michael Carbone

- Michael Carbone

Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking - MeTaMiNd EvoLuTioN

- MeTaMiNd EvoLuTioN

19:00 »Hard Drive Punch« - Aram Bartholl

- Aram Bartholl

The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google" - The Accused of Tarnac, tarnac nine

- The Accused of Tarnac, tarnac nine

Internet of toilets - tbsprs

- tbsprs

Blow Stuff Up With Your Brain - merlin (Alex Glowaski)

- merlin (Alex Glowaski)

20:30 Reconstructing narratives - Jacob, Laura Poitras

- Jacob, Laura Poitras

Attacks on UEFI security, inspired by Darth Venamis's misery and Speed Racer - Rafal Wojtczuk, Corey Kallenberg

- Rafal Wojtczuk, Corey Kallenberg

Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries - fabs

- fabs

Unlocking the bootloader of the BlackBerry 9900 - Alex

- Alex

21:45 Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source MT6260 SoC - bunnie, Xobs

- bunnie, Xobs

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg - Bill Scannell

- Bill Scannell

Is a network neutral internet neutral enough? - Rejo Zenger, Thomas Lohninger

- Rejo Zenger, Thomas Lohninger

Too Many Cooks - Exploiting the Internet-of-TR-069-Things - Lior Oppenheim, Shahar Tal

- Lior Oppenheim, Shahar Tal

23:00 Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du - starbug

- starbug

Doing right by sources, done right - Sarah Harrison, gracefire

- Sarah Harrison, gracefire

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast - David Kriesel

- David Kriesel

Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes - Ben Dalton

- Ben Dalton

00:15 Fnord News Show - frank, Fefe

- frank, Fefe

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16:45 Krypto für die Zukunft - ruedi

- ruedi

Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack - Ben H.

- Ben H.

Long war tactics - Sacha van Geffen

- Sacha van Geffen


Tag #3 - 29. Dezember

Zeit Saal 1 Saal 2 Saal G Saal 6
11:30 Freedom in your computer and in the net - Richard Stallman

- Richard Stallman

From Computation to Consciousness - Joscha

- Joscha

From Maxwell to antenna arrays - Friederike

- Friederike

Why do we need an open food information platform - Alexis

- Alexis

12:45 Jahresrückblick des CCC - Frank Rieger, erdgeist, Linus Neumann, heckpiet

- Frank Rieger, erdgeist, Linus Neumann, heckpiet

Let's build a quantum computer! - Andreas Dewes

- Andreas Dewes

Lightning Talks Day 3 - Theresa

- Theresa

Damn Vulnerable Chemical Process - Marmusha

- Marmusha

16:00 Deine Rechte sind in diesen Freihandelsabkommen nicht verfügbar - Katharina Nocun

- Katharina Nocun

EMET 5.1 - Armor or Curtain? - René Freingruber

- René Freingruber

CAESAR and NORX - Philipp Jovanovic, aumasson

- Philipp Jovanovic, aumasson

ES GIBT VIEL ZU TUN - HAU'N WIR AB. - Robert Verch & Eva Olivin

- Robert Verch & Eva Olivin

17:15 DP5: PIR for Privacy-preserving Presence - Ian Goldberg, George Danezis, Nikita Borisov

- Ian Goldberg, George Danezis, Nikita Borisov

What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons? - Michael Büker

- Michael Büker

Source Code and Cross-Domain Authorship Attribution - Aylin, greenie, Rebekah Overdorf

- Aylin, greenie, Rebekah Overdorf

Die Krise der Bilder ist die Krise der Politik - Mareike Foecking

- Mareike Foecking

18:30 EFI bootkits for Apple MacBooks - Trammell Hudson

- Trammell Hudson

The Maker movement meets patent law - Natalia Lukaszewicz

- Natalia Lukaszewicz

"Exploit" in theater - cyphunk / nathan fain

- cyphunk / nathan fain

The Only Thing We Know About Cyberspace Is That Its 640x480 - olia lialina

- olia lialina

20:30 IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Stefan Wehrmeyer

- Stefan Wehrmeyer

Living Drones - Anja Drephal

- Anja Drephal

Axoloti - Johannes Taelman

- Johannes Taelman

Agri-tech and the Arts: From Barns to D-Space - Richard Marggraf Turley

- Richard Marggraf Turley

21:15 The Magical Secrecy Tour - Leslie Dunton-Downer

- Leslie Dunton-Downer

Computer Science in the DPRK - Will Scott

- Will Scott

Eye Wear Computing - Kai Kunze

- Kai Kunze

The Time is Right - c-atre

- c-atre

22:00 The Perl Jam: Exploiting a 20 Year-old Vulnerability - Netanel Rubin

- Netanel Rubin

Trackography - Maria Xynou, Claudio ࿓ vecna

- Maria Xynou, Claudio ࿓ vecna

Automatically Subtitling the C3 - timobaumann

- timobaumann

22:45 UNHash - Methods for better password cracking - Tonimir Kisasondi

- Tonimir Kisasondi

MegaCode to facility gates - Kévin Redon

- Kévin Redon

The Machine To Be Another - BeAnotherLab

- BeAnotherLab

23:30 Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough - Walter van Holst

- Walter van Holst

Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox - MHerz

- MHerz

Higher-Dimensional Geometry and Fractals - Magnus

- Magnus

00:15 Googlequiz – 2015er Edition - Jöran Muuß-Merholz

- Jöran Muuß-Merholz

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14:00 Correcting copywrongs - Julia Reda

- Julia Reda

Funky File Formats - Ange Albertini

- Ange Albertini

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Tag #4 - 30. Dezember

Zeit Saal 1 Saal 2 Saal G Saal 6
12:45 Why are computers so @#!*, and what can we do about it? - Peter Sewell

- Peter Sewell

Attribution revolution - Jonas Öberg

- Jonas Öberg

Lightning Talks Day 4 - breakthesystem

- breakthesystem

Diamonds are a quantum computer’s best friend - Nicolas Wöhrl

- Nicolas Wöhrl

14:00 State of the Onion - Jacob

- Jacob

The Taste of Surveillance - Allegra Searle-LeBel, Mike Tyka

- Allegra Searle-LeBel, Mike Tyka

Encrypting the Web - sdschoen

- sdschoen

16:00 Paypals War on Terror - the_no

- the_no

31C3 Infrastructure Review - Leon

- Leon

Virtual Machine Introspection - Tamas K Lengyel, Thomas Kittel

- Tamas K Lengyel, Thomas Kittel

17:15 Security Nightmares - frank, Ron

- frank, Ron

Tor: Hidden Services and Deanonymisation - Dr Gareth Owen

- Dr Gareth Owen

Telescope Making - Madonius

- Madonius

18:30 31C3 Closing Event - tomate, Geraldine de Bastion

- tomate, Geraldine de Bastion

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11:30 Low Cost High Speed Photography - polygon

- polygon

Podcasting with Podlove - Tim Pritlove

- Tim Pritlove

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway - Tor E. Bjørstad

- Tor E. Bjørstad
